The Growing Evil

  by Ronnie Rush

Lately, within the last couple of months, I have noticed what I believe to be an increase in evil involving demon worship thru gods of the past. It has been showing itself in many forms. Two key  manifestations of evil stand out.

"Entertainer" Jack Black on TV asks the audience to pray to father Satan. Another entertainer, Beyonce Knowles, now has a dual persona as a person called Sasha Fierce. This other side of  Beyonce pays tribute to Horus the all seeing eye and the goddess Sachmet. Her boyfriend Jay-Z now has the gall to call Satan the Don of the Morning and refer to himself as Jehovah. During  their concerts they flash the all seeing eye to curse her fans and allow them to be possessed by Horus.

I find it interesting to consider this kind of evil in times past, before Christ died on the Cross --before  the Age of Grace was in effect. What was often the downfall of nations and kingdoms during those times? I truly believe, based on the Scriptures that dealt with Israel, that God drew the line when it came to demon/ pagan-god worship/possession.


Looking back at some kingdoms like the Incas and Mayas, which mysteriously disappeared, ( so they say ) I fully believe God sent His Angels in to destroy them utterly. Why? What did they find at one site? Something like 1 million human skulls and hieroglyphics that showed the losing team of some game they played was sacrificed alive with their hearts cut out in sacrifice to appease their god.

It seems to me that when past society lost it’s morality by turning it’s back on God dire consequences for those people resulted. But over these last 2,000 years this, it seems, hasn't been so much the case, because we live in an age of grace. God wants to give every living soul an ample lifetime of chances to receive and believe in the Gospel.


However, when a society throws God away ( in this day and age with the Bible printed in every known language) there is really not much excuse about not knowing what God has to say about His Laws. Although He might seem to act against this evil in a more measured way, the consequences of that evil will ultimately be much worse, according to Bible prophecy.


Step by step evil

The first thing that erodes away after a couple of generations is mankind's morality. In effect, man becomes leprous with his declining morals by departing from God. But, during this time unseen forces are more than willing to and do fill the gap left in mankind's soul --the need to worship God. Slowly the demons start picking up where God should have never been left out of mankind's life, and the troubles begin.

Just like Romans chapter 1 verses 18 to 32 and II Timothy chapter 3, all these sins become common place eventually. And if you think about it this is in fact how mankind's thinking becomes backward. Right is wrong, wrong is right, sweet is sour, sour is sweet and so on.


Now we see an increase in demon/ pagan god worship on the rise. When the Rapture happens and the restraint of the Holy Spirit is taken away, only those who truly guard their hearts, and have some degree of morality left will have a hope of Salvation. Only if they are not too far gone in their spiritual leprosy at this point will they have hope of  being able to stand against the onslaught of unrestrained demon activity.

So, as our Father ends His Age of Grace and restores the Law with Israel what do we have? We have an entire planet now in the Cross-hairs of God’s Judgment for it’s involvement with the fallen demonic angels. This is right where  God said mankind would be in those end days.

It is incumbent to ask: how can we know when this generation as a whole becomes involved in these kinds of evil things? The answer is human sacrifice! We see the spirit of human sacrifice on the scene even now, I believe, with 50 million children being murdered in the wombs of their mothers since Roe vs. Wade in 1973.

The Satanic practice of human sacrifice will increase  during the Tribulation. Those who don’t receive the Mark of the Beast will be sacrificed to Satan/Anti-Christ, their heads cut off for not bowing to his rule.

Interesting thing about the Mark of the Beast, it is tied to the one world monetary system, one world government, and one world religion. This whole system is a sin by itself in God’s Eyes. Why? --Because  human kind, since the fall in Eden, has tried to  do what is right in their own minds. they have tried to cast God's Governance aside (Psalms chapter  2).  God purposely established the nations, in part, to have  a way of punishing those peoples which are in violation of His Laws.

When there is only  one Government, apart from the god of Heaven, the governing power moves toward absolute evil. Since the power is evil, and is supreme, there is no one to punish that evil. One leader, or oligarchy of leaders, results   in dictatorship, and tyranny of the worst sort. Such anti-God leadership dictate how the individual will work, buy and sell, how he/she will fit within the social order under government authority, and how the individual will worship.

 God abolished Nimrod's one-world order, and gave earth dwellers the nations at the tower of Babel. He also gave Gold, Silver, and Copper as means of economic exchange. But the Beasts will be all funded with nothing but electrical impulses --electronic funds-- as the dollars and cents of that time.

We live in the most materialistic society there ever was, worldwide, and  Many have abandoned the True God of Heaven for the god of mammon. God has foretold that the people of the Tribulation will have one of  two choices, accept the Mark of the Beast and live physically, only to be doomed for Eternity, or reject the mark of the beast and most likely die physically by beheading, but live as a child of god forever.

Those who accept the Mark at this point and time in the Tribulation will fully know the Truth. --Thus, because the Angels will proclaim the Gospel in the Air, and the 144,000 witnesses plus the Two Key witnesses in Jerusalem will have proven God’s Truth beyond a shadow of a doubt! Also, I believe those who receive the Mark will be forever sealed to Satan's dominion, and will be overpowered by evil spirits as a result of their choice of rejecting Jesus Christ and His Glorious Gospel, which gives all who accept it Life Eternal!

In face of this rejection, God will not take it lightly, and if they love darkness more than light then God will give them more than they ever hoped for. Those who have chosen seducing spirits before the time of the Mark, and those who accept the Mark will find out that those spirits they invited in will also be a large portion of their punishment. Their disastrous choice might be the means God uses to cause death to flee from those who are stung by the demonic locusts. The stings might give them superhuman abilities to prevent succumbing to the death they will desperately seek.  

The Holy Spirit, as Restrainer of evil, is about to be taken out of the way, so rebellious man can have his opportunity to see if he can run things without God's Help. The unrepentant of Planet Earth  are heading for the greatest demonic activity the world has ever seen, and, FORTUNATELY, will never ever see again!