"Why Appeasement ALWAYS = Defeat"


       by Jim Kononoff  

I was reading "SCHMOOZING WITH
TERRORISTS by Aaron Klein".

I completed this book and have it heavily underlined and notated. It is a powerful work and needs to be read by every policy maker and politician who considers the war on terror a primary threat to this country. There is a powerful albeit unintentional message for Christians in the book as well, especially those interested in Christian eschatology.
I took from this book six realities that change the global paradigm for peace:
#1.  Ceasefires allow terrorists to reload and rearm.

#2. Land for peace never works. Any surrendered land will be used for renewed attacks.

#3. There is a misconception fostered by the media that Arabs are only angry with us because of foreign troops on Arab soil.  Unilateral withdrawal will not halt attacks. All Islamic extremists share the same goal: World domination.

#4.  Restraint in combat emboldens the enemy. They have no Rules Of Engagement. If we as their enemy restrict operations out of the fear of collateral damage, they will smell weakness and attack with renewed ferocity. Example: In Iraq our forces are prohibited from damaging or even searching any Mosque. They hide their weapons and fighters inside the mosques. They would be foolish NOT to, and these enemies aren’t fools.

#5.  Rename the “War on Terror.” How can you fight an idea? Not possible. Target nations for terrorist actions either directly or by proxy.  Call it what it is and finish the job. Go after Syria and Iran but start with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Remember the basis for infantry combat: Find ‘em, Fix ‘em, Fight ‘em and FINISH ‘em!

#6. We must realize there is no such thing as “moderate Islam.” In order to fix this revise the textbooks of every school and college in the nation as well as all the teaching curriculums. THIS is how the ideology of terror infiltrates and destroys: By subverting our children until it’s too late to prevent destruction or surrender. Terrorists love liberal academics. See the thing they always leave out of the textbooks is that the Quran does not allow for peaceful coexistence between non Islamic religions on an EQUAL basis. Anybody who either advocates or commits acts of terror is pure evil. No Humanity and no soul as we understand such.  Their single goal is the utter destruction of western civilization as a START to the installation of global sharia law.  To them, there is no room for reason, negotiation or religious moderation. Am I promoting genocide?

NO. But THEY are!
Until they return to their political and military roots Israel is
going to be useless. From 1948 to 2006 they decisively won all battles and wars.  Since 2006 they have lost the will to win. Lost the essential mindset of doing all that is necessary to win. Now the politicians merely want to hang onto power and deal with each crisis as a separate isolated incident.
Sadly, Christians the world over will never do what must be done to win because the reality in the face of such implacable barbarism is unthinkable to Americans. Unthinkable to anybody with a soul. Christians, in the face of such evil will fight a defensive and unwinnable action. They will do this with gradual but encroaching defeats until both Israel and the west teeter on the very edge of total annihilation.  The God of the Universe will not allow his children in Israel nor the Body of Christ to be eradicated.  Could this be the crisis that triggers the Rapture and sets the events of the Tribulation into motion?
Will the Anti-Christ rise to "solve" these issues? Will our nation
already have given over it's sovereign status to a North American Union and be ready to be absorbed into the greater World Order under a much revitalized and reorganized United Nations?
Well, maybe. But judging from the events since 2001, this world is rushing headlong into an unfathomable depth of evil that has never before been seen, not in all of human history. There is only ONE who can "fix" this crisis and the world isn't going to realize that fact until it's too late for most of them.  For salvation it's far better to be years too early than even a second too late.

Schmoozing With Terrorists by Aaron Klein: