For A Bowl of Pottage

 By Jack Kinsella –


"Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright." (Genesis 25:34)


Jacob and Esau were twins, but Esau was born first and therefore, as the eldest son, heir to his father's holdings as a right of his birth. Esau was a 'cunning hunter' the Scriptures say, while Jacob was a 'plain man, dwelling in tents." (25:27)


Esau, exhausted after a day of hunting, agreed to trade his birthright inheritance to Jacob in exchange for a bowl of red stew.


In my mind's eye, I always pictured Esau as a kind of Harrison Ford character playing off Jacob's Gene Wilder.


"And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?"


His inheritance was yet future. Esau lived in the now. He was hungry now. Jacob had something tangible that would address his immediate needs. The future was only a promise. You can't eat a promise.


Four thousand years later, the descendants of Esau are still seething over it. They blame Jacob for being tricky. I don't blame them. The alternative explanation is that Esau was self-centered, greedy, and more than just a little bit stupid.


Nonetheless, God honors stupid. "But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant." (1st Corinthians 14:38)


When Esau sold his birthright to Jacob, then Jacob's it was. The God of Israel is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not Abraham, Isaac and Esau.


For almost two years, Barack Hussein Obama has criss-crossed the nation, telling the voters precisely what an Obama administration would offer them. Higher taxes. More government regulation. Surrender in the face of the enemy in Iraq.


Obama dared the mainstream to investigate his relationships with the Black Liberation Movement, the rabidly racist and anti-American Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the unrepentant founder of the terrorist Weather Underground, Syrian-born swindler Tony Rezko, his shady deals and shadier association.


The few that took up the challenge were unprepared to answer the charges of racism and found it much simpler to look the other way than find themselves victims of "do-you-still-beat-your-wife?" inquisitions.


That the media was complicit in keeping Obama's secrets while raking through McCain-Palin's trash is not even an open secret. It is a celebrated reality. (Chris Matthew's leg must be enduring a thrill a minute right now.)


At one precinct in Ohio, two Black Panthers, one wielding a nightstick, ensured that voters knew who the right vote would be for. Voter registration fraud, voter fraud, voter intimidation, broken promises and outright lies were irrelevant in the end.


In the end, the election was decided by college kids, first time voters and of course, Mickey Mouse.


This morning, Barack Husseiin Obama, an hitherto-unknown politician of questionable background that emerged from the old-style Chicago Democratic political machine twenty-one months ago is President-elect Barack Hussein Obama.


What God honors in men, He honors in nations. And God honors stupid.




There is a famous bit of footage shot in early 1940 in Paris of its citizens lining the streets to watch the German troops parade through the Arch de Triumph.


As the camera pans the crowd, it lingers on the face of a middle-aged Parisian, tears streaming down in his cheeks, his face contorted in grief at the catastrophe that had befallen his nation.


The image of this grieving Parisian is brief; his is but one face among many lining the street that day, but his grief was so palpable and profound that it burns into the memory of the viewer.


As Barack Obama gave his victory speech to the country, I felt a lot like that Parisian of long-ago.


Let's face it. President-elect Barack Hussein Obama was not elected based on his legislative record. Nobody knows what it is, even now.


He was not elected based on his exemplary personal history. What we know of it is pretty bad stuff.


He wasn't elected based on the depth of his experience or foreign policy acumen. He doesn't have any.


America just honored the legacy of Martin Luther King by coming full circle. America just elected a candidate, not on the content of his character, but by the color of his skin.

Barack Hussein Obama was elected so that Americans could say the color barrier has been smashed. Ok. It's smashed. Now what?


Duh. Nobody seems to have thought very far past "now what?" Now that we've made history, what are we gonna do tomorrow? (Tomorrow??)


We just elected a far left lifelong Marxist/socialist president of the United States and handed complete control of the Congress to the Far Left Marxist Democrats.


To 'fix' an economy that they broke in order to get elected.

America has sold its position as a center-right nation for a bowl of pottage. (Jacob was perhaps tricky, but Esau was just plain stupid.)


America has handed over control of the Supreme Court to the most liberal president in American history at a time when America faces the greatest threat to its continued existence since the American Revolution.


Hal and I were talking a couple of weeks ago when it occurred to us that what Hal has been preaching for fifty years and I for thirty is upon us. Indeed, while we were looking the other way, it has overtaken us. This is what we were warning of.


But it arrived so surreptitiously we didn't see it until it was here.


It's going to take some time to analyze the full implications of the catastrophe that has befallen America. I don't want to sound like the Democrats who all promised to move to Canada if Bush won in 2000 and 2004. (He did, they didn't)


But we're already planning to mirror our servers offshore so we can move the Omega Letter outside the reach of the new American socialists.


Barack Hussein Obama is the President-elect of the United States because God wanted Barack Hussein Obama -- and no one else -- to be president for the next four years.


"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. "


Whatever God has planned for the next four years, He needs a mysterious, charismatic but inexperienced socialist dreamer with a Muslim education and spiritual ties to the god of this world to facilitate those ends.


Nobody else would do.