Should We Stand Against A One World Government?

 By Ben G.

So there are a few things happening in the news lately. Apparently, Pope Benedict and the Vatican is contemplating the search for alien life. European Union leaders are ever closer to choosing the next President of Europe. People are dying in the West Ukraine regions from a “cocktail of three flu viruses which are reported to have mutated into a single pneumonic plague, which it is believed may be far more dangerous than swine flu.” We are facing a nuclear Iran, which stands to threaten Israel. One of the most influential and powerful people in the world (Mr. Obama) is happy to condone and orchestrate anti-Christian agendas at every turn. The sacrificial altar for the new, future (3rd) temple in Jerusalem has been created. The news reporting this states;

“On a day when Jews mourn the destruction of the Temple almost 2,000 years ago, the Temple Institute made a giant step towards the rebuilding of the Temple by beginning to rebuild the sacrificial altar.  The sacrificial altar is the location in the Temple where the Jews once offered sacrifices to the Lord, but there have been no sacrifices made since 70 A.D. when the Roman army destroyed both Jerusalem and the Temple.

It is difficult to understate the significance of the rebuilding of the sacrificial altar.  You see, the sacrificial altar was the center of Temple worship.  It was located near the center of the Temple, and upon that altar the priests would offer the numerous sacrifices that are commanded in the Torah.

The Temple Institute has previously rebuilt many of the other required instruments and vessels for the Temple, but rebuilding the sacrificial altar represents another huge leap forward in their goal.

Of course the Temple Institute is not able to rebuild the sacrificial altar in its proper location on the Temple Mount, so they are building it off site and will transport it to the Temple when it is rebuilt in the future.

The rocks for the sacrificial altar were gathered from the area around the Dead Sea and they were individually wrapped in order to ensure that they are not touched by metal as the Torah requires.

For students of Bible prophecy, this development is very exciting because it represents another huge step towards the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem as the Scriptures foretell.

In fact, the Bible tells us that one day the Antichrist will set himself up in God's Temple and proclaim himself to be God.  Just read what it says in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.

Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for (that day will not come) until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

But should the Temple Institute be doing this?  Should anyone be trying to rebuild the Temple without direct instructions from the Lord?

We know that it WILL be rebuilt, but is it proper for them to be doing it right now?  After all, the first two Temples were only built after the Lord gave direct instructions that they be built.”(1)

Amazing, isn’t it? This took place just a few months… It will be interesting to see where this will lead us, and just how quickly. Remember, Jesus will rule from this temple to begin His 1000-year reign, following His Second Coming after the tribulation period. At that time (Battle of Armageddon), the Antichrist shall be forcefully removed from power, and personally escorted to the lake of fire kicking and screaming, along with his loser demonic miracle-worker (the false prophet).

In September, 2009, we saw the headline; “VeriChip shares jump after H1N1 patent license win”. This Reuters article reads:

“Shares of VeriChip Corp CHIP.O tripled after the company said it had been granted an exclusive license to two patents, which will help it to develop implantable virus detection systems in humans.

The patents, held by VeriChip partner Receptors LLC, relate to biosensors that can detect the H1N1 and other viruses, and biological threats such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, VeriChip said in a statement.

The technology will combine with VeriChip's implantable radio frequency identification devices to develop virus triage detection systems The triage system will provide multiple levels of identification -- the first will identify the agent as virus or non-virus, the second level will classify the virus and alert the user to the presence of pandemic threat viruses and the third level will identify the precise pathogen, VeriChip said in a white paper published May 7, 2009..”(2)

The above is referring to an implantable microchip (about the size of a grain of rice or smaller), which is most likely the culprit when it comes to making the biblical “mark of the beast” possible. Thanks to this technology, it would be possible to keep track of every human being on Earth via satellite, if a certain world leader in power felt so inclined to make it mandatory for all humans to take (probably in the name of national health and safety). There will be the perfect excuse to execute this order too, I am sure. Taking the chip will monitor a person’s health to make sure they are not “infected” by some god-awful virus or whatever else he can think of to make them get it. At the end of the day, they simply will not be able to buy basic groceries without it. It won’t make sense not to have it. It will be for multi-purposes and be the answer to everything. It will also contain medical records and information on what the person is allergic to or what condition they may have, in case of an emergency. Of course, it will also damn a person to everlasting fire if they receive it, according to God and His word. This “mark” will go along well with the emergence of a new world order/government and its new policies, which will be lead by the coming Antichrist.

"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark of his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name (666)." (Revelation 13:16-17)
Imagine not being able to go to the grocery store to buy bread and milk, or buy a new tire for your car because you got a flat, or new clothes, or hygiene products. You will not be able to if you do not have this "mark of the beast". Think of it as a credit card implanted on your body (“right hand or forehead”) in a society where cash is void and worthless.
"They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be an unclean thing. Their silver and gold will not be able to save them in the day of the LORD's wrath. They will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it, for it has made them stumble into sin." (Ezekiel 7:19)

All the strings are laced through the holes, now it just has to be pulled together by someone…

When I was a young teenager, I would always intently listen to and find interest in  televangelist personalities like Jack Van Impe, John Hagee, and Hal Lindsey, just to name a few. Anything about the new world order, end times, the Antichrist, the apocalypse, angels, bible prophecy, or the return of Jesus Christ, etc, I always found myself studying up on diligently and following closely. Nothing has really changed since. I am still just as interested and I think I always will be. All of the things the Lord has shown me have been amazing. I once remember thinking to myself; ‘Wow... this stuff will never happen in my lifetime…’ How very wrong I was.

In these more recent times, several quotes of interest from random articles have come across my desk that should interest the Christian world (see related link numbers at the end of article):

“…On January 5, 2009, Henry Kissinger was interviewed by CNBC on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.  His voice still raspy and spoken with a thick accent, he responded to a question about President-elect Obama's first actions as President:

"He can give new impetus to American foreign policy ... I think that his task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period, when really a 'new world order' can be created. It's a great opportunity. It isn't such a crisis.”(3)

 “…The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated that Israel's defeat in its Gaza offensive was the beginning of a new order in the world.”(4)

 “…Prime Minister Gordon Brown will today set out a five-point plan to create a "stronger and more just" world order in the wake of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression…

Mr. Brown will call on fellow world leaders to use the current worldwide economic downturn as an opportunity to thoroughly reform international financial institutions and create a new "truly global society" with Britain, the US and Europe providing leadership.”(5)

 “…VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday called for a radical rethinking of the global economy, criticizing a growing divide between rich and poor and urging the establishment of a “true world political authority” to oversee the economy and work for the “common good.”(6)

“…At [the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in] Copenhagen, this December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed.  Your president will sign it. Most of the third world countries will sign it, because they think they’re going to get money out of it. Most of the left-wing regime from the European Union will rubber stamp it. Virtually nobody won’t sign it.

I read that treaty. And what it says is this, that a world government is going to be created. The word “government” actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfaction of what is called, coyly, “climate debt” – because we’ve been burning CO2 and they haven’t. We’ve been screwing up the climate and they haven’t. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.”(7)

(More about Copenhagen Treaty)...“With assaults on our nation’s freedoms and liberties coming from so many directions at the same time it is difficult to characterize one as being more dangerous than another. But a United Nations (U.N.) gathering scheduled for Dec. 7 – 18, 2009 may hold more lasting ramifications to U.S. sovereignty than anything the republic has ever faced.

That’s when the first overt attempt at establishing the framework of a One World Government will occur.”(8)

These articles are just a fraction of what is apparently being planned and instigated by the world’s main political powers right now. Regarding numbers 7 & 8 above, is about the Copenhagen Treaty, which is rumoured to be a platform to introduce a “one world government” very soon. The Copenhagen treaty, supposedly, is only for “climate” crises, but it sets up a precedent and pattern to eventually give up all of our sovereignty to a world government, (led by Antichrist). Christians need not worry of course, because we are mercifully spared from it in the calling up of His church in the clouds before the real tribulation trouble starts. However, it is interesting to see it all unfolding so quickly in our lifetime. Time is surely moving quickly. I encourage everyone to do their own research into this. Every other article I read or hear about in the news, or the staggering evidence in the Raptureready daily end time news updates is just another reminder that the new age of Jesus Christ is just on the horizon. Michael the Archangel is receiving his orders… Christ is brushing down his exquisite white steed’s mane and tightening its saddle strap around its belly. Satan’s army is fervently and carefully planning their war offence/defence strategies and hammering out the deep chinks of their battered armor from the last war they lost. God has filled His vials and they sit waiting and ready to be poured out. More recently, the heavens have stirred as angels speak excitedly amongst themselves with joy, as they prepare to welcome their new Saint friends into the mighty Kingdom, thinking of innumerable questions to ask us and pondering the unspeakable mysteries they pray to share with us.

Never did I dream we’d see the days we are all now witnessing all these things falling into place, as calls for a new world order are being raised more and more frequently. The current global stage is setting up the very *real* possibility for such an order to be readily implemented under one president voted in by European Union leaders (see, whom will possibly be this infamous man of sin, the wretched Antichrist. So many Christians seem to trouble themselves with who this man is and how his rule might affect them. Dare I say this; Do not let it consume you too much. It shouldn’t really matter who he will be or how his administration will directly affect you, because it most likely will not, because Christians should not be here at this time (1 Thess 4:17). We very well could see him emerge before the rapture, (just like we see the current signs of a one world government emerging), but only briefly, for we are not required to be subject to his demonic control when he takes the reigns of his global office, thank God.

Remember, the tribulation pretty much begins when a European Union (revived Roman Empire) leader makes a firm “covenant with many” for 7 years:

“And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week (seven years), but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.” (Daniel 9:27)

It is only 3 ½ years into this pact that he breaks it, and then marches into the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and decides to declare himself as God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). This is most likely right after Satan is cast down upon the Earth and heals the Antichrist’s wound and virtually possesses him (Revelation 13:3). I can only imagine some wild-eyed individual or some group who realizes who the Antichrist really is and actually gets a chance to put a bullet in his head, and succeeds.

So why is Satan cast down anyway? I’ve heard (and agree with) that it would make sense God would want the heavens cleared out of demonic activity before Jesus and His Saints pass through them upon His triumphant return. Also, I would think God has just simply had enough of him and decides to destroy his wings, so to speak. Satan shall then literally possess this wicked man and unleash great fury upon the Earth “because he knows he has little time” (Revelation 12:12). Remember, Satan still has (restricted, quarantined?) access to God even today (Revelation 12:10 - Job 2:1).

Those who understand and study this… are you starting to *see* the world in its mad state with insanity and confusion? Isn’t it amazing though that we, as believers, can know the truth and not buy into all the nonsense and fear? For we know this has all been predicted by God and He has asked us not to fear because He has absolutely promised to come back for us. A person who has accepted Christ as their Lord and savior into their hearts and minds and have trusted His guidance in their lives shall be gracefully spared from God’s flood of judgments and wrath that is to come. Symbolically, we are already safe on Noah’s ark but we can smell the rain in the air…

More to the point of the title of this essay… A lovely Christian friend of ours recently called us (my wife and I), asking for us to sign a petition to protest against the previously mentioned Copenhagen Treaty. Our friend has been afraid for her family and her children, when confronted with the knowledge of this treaty and what it could eventually mean for the world. When we reminded her about the coming rapture and the promises of God, she was reassured, but a part of her was still somewhat confused, claiming she felt her faith hasn’t been “strong enough” to warrant being rescued by Jesus in His blessed calling up. Friends, this is so far from the truth… and I think many Christians feel this way who do not really understand what is happening to our world. They know something is happening or is on the way, but not fully aware of what. She felt truly afraid of these things going on because of the spiritual and biblical elements of darkness corrupting our times, which confront us and dominate our daily newspapers. We explained she has nothing to worry about and provided biblical insight about why she should believe in this rapture and not fear this new world order.

The question is; as Christians, should we be protesting this treaty out of fear of a one world government potentially emerging from it? Should we, as Christians, be objecting? Should it even concern us much? I think it is important for us to express our objections to it because we all know what it leads to... *but*... it is imperative to keep in mind that no matter how many people resist it, the bible makes it perfectly clear that this *must* come to pass. We should all be praying relentlessly for God’s help, peace, mercy and guidance for our nations and through these murky times.

The other question that remains on my mind is; are churches preaching the truth about the end times or are they avoiding it like the plague so people don’t get scared or worried? Sadly, I think this is the case. Do churches even acknowledge these end-time truths when confronted with them? Why are so many believers afraid? Because they don’t understand how bible prophecy relates to our current worldly events! I’ve bounced many ideas to people about how our current world relates to what the bible says about our times and how close we are to allowing our sin to bring the devil into our world, in the flesh. It is astounding by how many have absolutely no idea what I am talking about. I even talked about these things to a seasoned Anglican priest (about the rapture and how we’re living in the times of Noah, etc) and she had absolutely no idea what I was talking about!! It worries me by how many people are anxious and will be completely caught off guard by the events leading up to the second coming of Lord Jesus.

I guess the main point of this article is to point out that none of us should fear the apocalyptic reaper because God is in full control and He has a plan for you and I. Yes, the world is dramatically changing. Yes, biblical prophecies are unfolding, and yes, the signs are all pointing to a new age of wickedness, but you do not have to be fearful. Yes, judgment is closing in on haters of God and His people, and on rejecters of salvation, but soon Jesus Christ will return to set up His flawless Kingdom on Earth while Satan is bound during that time so he can no longer deceive and torment the nations (Revelation 20:2-3). 


In conclusion, I just want to remind you that while these things are falling into place around us at incredible speed, and it can appear daunting because it is happening in our lifetime, it is important to believe in the power of God to deliver and guide you if you seek Him out and ask for insight. Some of you might be afraid to leave your lives behind for the fear of change, or of the unknown of being summoned to a new home. Some of you may still have to make peace in your hearts, before feeling comfortable about meeting God face to face. Some people are so caught up in earthly affairs and materialism that they are not even looking forward to the concept of meeting their Maker. Some of us are distressed for their unsaved friends and/or family, but all we can really do is tell them the truth and pray they understand and accept what you say and receive Christ so they do not have to experience God's wrath. The signs tell us time is running out and we need to get our affairs in order, whatever they may be, and be not discouraged to look up and be ready, for I John 2:28 reads:
"And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming."

Thanks for reading,

Ben G.


















