It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World


           By Timothy Carr


It's been said by the intellectual elite amongst us that mans capacity for reason is the single defining characteristic that separates man from other animals. I'm tempted to argue that animals are much more reasonable than man, however for the purposes of this discussion let us venture that it is true: our capacity for reason is what defines man as entirely unique amongst all species on planet earth. Well, if that axiom is true, could not the same thing be said for man's capacity for madness? Witness this past weekends repeal of the long-standing Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy (DADT).


The DADT policy was put into law by Bill Clinton in 1993. The policy was a slippery slope down the slide of societal collapse. The policy was meant to address the concerns of homosexuals in our military which, prior to 1993 was forbidden by the armed forces of the United States. Prior to 1993, anyone in our military that was found to be gay or bisexual was immediately and unceremoniously discharged. 


The DADT policy was a slick wink and a nod to homosexuality - a form of tacit approval that said, "Hey, are you gay? No problem. You can join the military just as long as you do not openly practice your lifestyle. Don't tell us you are gay and, tell you what, just to show you what a nice bunch of guys we are, we won't ask you if you are gay. M'Kay?????". Just like that, our military agreed to bend but not break. Well, this past weekend, with the repeal of DADT, our military broke - Brokeback Mountain style.


Make no mistake about it, this dreadful buckling of our military to the will of a handful of social engineers and misguided liberal do-gooders, will very likely have devastating consequences for our nations ability to protect and defend human liberty and freedom, both domestically and abroad. 


Look, the United States Military has historically been the embodiment of what is best in man when man is at his best. 


Qualities such as Faith in God and country, gallantry, bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, honor, dignity, character and moral correctness - these qualities derive from our rich history of opposing evil and tyranny with bloody courage and conviction. The expectation of these qualities was handed down to us from our Founding Fathers, who gave the very last measure for us to have the freedoms we now enjoy and, sadly, take for granted all too often.


Now that our once noble military is being used to conduct a social experiment in debauchery, ostensibly to prove the point that moral turpitude need not necessarily reduce the effectiveness of our fighting force, does anyone truly expect there to be no fallout from this???


Realistically, I am not so concerned that our military will be on the receiving end of a groundswell of homosexual recruits. At least, not right away. Let's face it, homosexuals do not traditionally line up outside military recruiting centers to join the Marines. 


What DOES concern me is the very real possibility that many of the good men and women we have currently serving in the military right now will quit. Moreover, I am equally worried that the best and brightest amongst our young population will refuse to enlist, rather than join the armed services and be forced by law to accept the social programming being foisted upon them by fiat. With recruitment at an all time low, and with upwards of 24% of our servicemen and women quitting the armed forces or taking early retirement in protest of this heinous shift in policy, is it a stretch to think that our Federal Government will use this as a justification for a Draft? I don't think so.


You may be asking yourself how this all ties into prophecy? Let's try to answer that question. 


This indefensible about-face in our military amounts to nothing less than a blatant attempt to homosexualize our military, the de-facto last line of defense against the homosexualization of America. But why? Is this merely a social experiment in the profane? Well, yes, but it is more than just that, for this will have the effect of weakening it so significantly that it is no longer able to function as a fighting force. 


Either we will end up with a military that is crammed to the gills with openly practicing gays and lesbians, or we will have a military consisting largely of men and women of traditional values who are being forced against their will to accept the aberrant behavior of a small percentage of their fellow soldiers - a behavior that totally unacceptable to them, in which case they will be less likely to perform their duties to the utmost of their ability. 


Most importantly, with our military now officially embracing sodomy, thus christening it as an acceptable practice, the divine favor our Heavenly Father has bestowed on our forces in times past will very likely be removed entirely, because God will not be mocked. And this is the biggest tragedy of all. Are you beginning to see the big picture here?


During the last twenty years there has been a simultaneous and concerted effort by shadow groups, initially discreet and behind the scenes, but with ever-increasing blatant boldness as of late, to use our social, legal, political and educational systems against us, for the express purposes of advancing the cause of wickedness, and to advance it in such a way that we unwittingly cross that great moral rubicon where good is considered evil and evil is considered good ("Woe to those that call evil good and good evil, who put light for darkness and darkness for light, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." Isaiah 5:20 NKJV). It's as if we have abandoned reason for madness, hence the title of this column. And despite the best efforts of even the staunchest of Constitutionalists amongst us, we have seemingly been unable to reverse the tide of moral and civil decline. Every day we are deeper and deeper into the death spiral that leads to wickedness and tyranny. 


This past weekend, our military was attacked from within. This was a stealth attack, aimed at its morality, its integrity and character, its esprit de corps, in order to erode overall morale. 


This attack was part of an overall strategy to destroy America and remove it to the back burner of geopolitics. Without an effective fighting force capable of defending liberty and opposing tyranny, there is only one last line of defense that satan has to deal with: The Church and The Holy Spirit. Soon, those two will be removed as well, and America will be defenseless.


This column began with venturing the idea that the capacity for reason is what defines men as entirely unique amongst all species on planet earth. I then asked that if this were true, what could be said about mans capacity for madness?


Based on this past weekends repeal of DADT alone, I would submit that mans capacity for madness, more than his capacity for reason, is what distinguishes him. Mans tendency towards sin and moral wretchedness is simply without equal amongst all species on earth. No wonder God had to save us.



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