Why We Fight


by Jason Lovelace


Key Scripture:
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Matthew 28:19-20 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

I John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.

In the early days of the United States’ involvement in World War II, the Federal Government of produced a series of movies and films, named Why We Fight. In these films, the reasons for the USA’s involvement in the Second World War were spelled out, from Japanese Aggression at Pearl Harbour and in China, to the Battle of Britain and England’s plight and darkest days, to Nazi Aggression against the Soviet Union, even chronicling the USA’s foundation to the then-contemporary view that the United States was a Bastion of Freedom. Though most of these films were played and displayed for newly-recruited US Servicemen and woman, the general public at large were also permitted to view them during the war to keep morale up, and remind the general population of the reasons for the United States’ entry into the conflict. Many people around the world, when encountering a Christian ask the question, “Why?” concerning his or her faith, and why he or she is attempting to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This lesson will, in one way and from one point-of-view, try to answer the question, “Why We Fight” for Jesus Christ.

We Love Jesus Christ!
The first and foremost reason that we live the way we live as Christians is because of Jesus Christ, and his great love for us! The verse from I John and John 3.16 say best the way that we feel. Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, became flesh, took on human form, and came to this Earth to die in our place, in my place. He didn’t have to do this, but because of his love for each and every person that has ever lived on the face of the Earth, Jesus Christ came, gave up his life, rose the third day, and took away our sins, my sins, so that I can spend eternity with him!!! When we think of what Jesus has done for us, when I think of this, personally, I can easily see how unworthy I am, how I so deserved so much and far worse than having God step out of heaven to take my place on my cross of crucifixion. I deserved to cry out the words, “My Father, My Father, why hast thou forsaken me?!?” (see Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34), I deserved each and every stripe from the scorpion whip that he received, and I deserved to have the Father turn his back on me in that hour of death. Jesus Christ, through and because of his great love, did this for me, and for everyone who chooses to believe. In fact, Jesus did this for EVERYone: the reason people go to hell and will go to the Lake of Fire is precisely because they have chosen to reject this gift that Jesus Christ holds out. It is because of this, this extremely wonderful gift, and Jesus’ execution in my place, and every other Christians’ place, that we go out, and follow through with the call he has placed on each and every one of our lives.

More is Done Out of Love than Out of Forced Coercion.
There is a story of a wife who’d been married to a tyrant of a husband. This terrible husband made a daily list of chores for the wife to do, and if she failed in even one, punishment was waiting for her. This poor wife never was able to finish the list, and her husband often abused her as a result. Some time later, her tyrannical husband died, and the woman remarried. Her second husband deeply loved her, cared for her, and treated her as if she were a precious treasure. Later, as this woman was looking through some of her old things, she found a copy of the list of chores that her first husband had given her. To her great surprise, she found that she was doing everything on the list, and more, for her second husband. The reason was, her second husband loved her, and she, in turn, loved him so much that the chores she did for him that the cost was not counted. Such is the case for Christians. World religions make many demands on their adherents. Buddhism demands the seven-fold path and the nine-fold way. Hinduism, while liquid in the number of gods one may worship, still demands its followers to adhere to a strict code. Islam demands prayer at strictly set times of the day, in set positions, and has five pillars of faith that one must follow in order to appease Allah. Even Roman Catholicism demands its believers to follow rules of confession in order for one to be able to attend mass. Very rarely is the word “love” found in any of the world religions. Very few Buddhists truly love Buddha; very few Hindu Followers love Vishnu, Ganeth, or Kali-Ma; the Qu’Ran rarely, if ever, mentions love, and never does love extend from Allah to his followers. The Bible, by contrast, speaks clearly and openly of the love that God has for his people, for his creation. Those who follow God are the beneficiaries of his love, his blessings, and his salvation. The reason that many Christians suffer in many countries of the world is precisely because of the love of God, that he has given them for people, those who are lost. The reason why missionaries of every stripe, every color, and every culture have gone out to foreign lands, often leaving home, family, and hearth forever, is because of the love of Jesus Christ. There is a story from the Napoleonic era that explains a bit this love that Christians have for Jesus Christ. A surgeon in Napoleon’s army was working on an Imperial Guardsman that had been shot in the chest. As this surgeon worked, cutting into the man’s chest in order to get the bullet, the Guardsman cried out, “Surgeon! If you keep digging, soon you will see Napoleon!” The love that this Imperial Guardsman had for Napoleon was deep. In a similar, but greater, way, Christians as well have this deep, abiding love for Jesus Christ, and, in the face of even certain death, we often will go forward to do the will of Jesus Christ. You must understand, reader, we do not go through hard times, difficulties, persecution, separation from family, friends, loved ones, and all things familiar because God is some despotic tyrant; Pastors do not take on congregations often hundreds or thousands of miles from home, go through countless hours of Bible Study in Bible College and Seminary, and take attack after attack from people and the Enemy because there is a whip awaiting us at their backs; Christians in general do not walk the way we walk, take the ridicule we often take, and follow the things that the Bible says because we fear God’s wrath – rather, we do these things because we love Him!!!!

Good News! Good News!!!
If you won the $100 million lottery, whom would you tell? If you and your spouse had been trying for a long time to have a baby, and, on the day that the baby was born, would you tell someone else, or would you keep that news to yourself? If you had found the one person – that special man or woman for whom you want to give your life in marriage – and he had asked you to marry him, or you had asked her, and she said “Yes!”, who would you tell this good news to? In a similar, but greater, way Christians carry Good News! We who believe that Jesus is Risen and Lord have the greatest news that anyone could ever hear: Jesus Christ LIVES, and he offers his salvation, his love, and God’s forgiveness to all who will receive! Many who have either experienced something grand, or received some sort of good news, spare no expense when it comes to sharing the good news we have received. In one family, the elder son and his wife had successfully delivered their first grandchild to the son’s family. The parents were called immediately, and, upon reception of that good news, these parents took an 8-hour drive to be with that son, his wife, and their new granddaughter. Following the Battle of Marathon – a stunning Greek victory against an overwhelming Persian Army – a runner ran nearly 50 kilometers to bring the news of the victory to the citizens of Athens. In the same way, Christians have the greatest news that anyone could ever hear: Jesus Christ Lives! He offers salvation, full and free, to anyone who will receive it! Heaven is just a prayer away!!! All that one needs do is believe and receive! Because of this news, we are willing to pay even the ultimate price to see that the message gets out, and many of our Early Church Predecessors did pay this price. Of Jesus Apostles, only one lived to a ripe old age, and escaped execution (though he did spend much time in prison). Every other Apostle suffered torturous execution of one sort or another. Christians in the Roman Empire alone suffered horribly under the hand of ten emperors, starting with Nero in the 60s AD, and ending with Diocletian in the 300s AD. Millions were slain in the arenas, were killed by beasts and gladiators, and were placed on crosses and fiery pyres, praising the Name of Jesus Christ. The reason is because of the love these martyrs had for Jesus and for people. Down through the centuries, at the hands of every major religion in the world, and every political entity in history (save one), Christians have suffered. The reason is because we want people to know the freedom and salvation that Jesus offers: this is the Good News!

We Love People!!
Just as Jesus told us that we need to love God with all our hearts, our souls, our minds, and our strength, he also told us the second greatest commandment: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” (see Mark 12:31). This means that we are also to love people as we love ourselves, and Jesus throughout the Gospels makes this so very plain. The story of the Good Samaritan is an example of the kind of love we Christians need to have for people, even if we are hated. Samaritans, as the one in the story (see Luke 10:25-27), were hated by the Jews yet, when the one in Jesus’ story found a wounded and robbed Jew, he helped and cared for him, even willing to go into debt to see this wounded and hurt Jewish man safely kept. In the same way, Christians, though the world hate us (and Jesus warned us that this would happen [see John 15:18-21, 16:1-4]) want to see people in heaven. We understand that our struggle isn’t against those who hate us, persecute us, even kill us, but the Enemy of our souls (Ephesians 6:12). We understand that when those who hate Jesus Christ, who hate everything about God, and who hate everything about the Bible and Christianity hurt or kill Christians that they really don’t know what they are doing nor who they are working for; just as Jesus forgave those who crucified him, so we, when we are persecuted and killed, do the same (see Luke 23:34). Because we love people and want to see them in heaven, we fight the fight of faith ,and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The “Other” Place Will Be Horrible…but Heaven Will Be Glorious!!!
Anyone who is a Christian does not want anyone to go to hell, nor the Lake of Fire. For someone to wish this is the worst kind of hatred. It is always amazing to this writer how blithely and casually people curse others in this way, both on TV and in the movies. The phrase “Go to hell!” is the worst of curses. There will be no escape from hell, and the Lake of Fire is forever. Much contrary to contemporary thought and popular culture, hell will not be a place of partying, fun, and every desire fulfilled. Jesus Christ spoke on hell more than any other subject. Here are a few of the ways that Jesus describes hell in the Bible:

  • A place of darkness (Matthew 25.30)…
  • A place of torments (Luke 16.23)…
  • A place of weeping (Matthew 8.12)…
  • A furnace of fire (Matthew 13.41-42)…
  • A place where no one can repent (Matthew 12.32)…
  • A place where the fire never ends (Mark 9.48 )…
  • A place where people scream for mercy (Luke 16.48 )…

It is because of this place, and its horrible bleakness that we, Christians, warn and want people to know of its reality. We do not want ANYONE to go there! Heaven, on the other hand, will be a glorious place, where God in person will be, and where crying, sadness, sin, evil, and the devil and his angels will not be!!! We Christians want everyone to go to heaven! We go out, live and preach the gospel, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, because we want no one to go to hell, and everyone to go to heaven. This is why Jesus Christ came, died, and rose again: so that we all could have the opportunity to go to heaven, and enter forever into the Joy of the LORD!!!

Christians Aren’t Perfect, but We are Forgiven!
Maybe you’ve heard that phrase before, but whether you have or haven’t, it is true: Christians are still people, still prone to make mistakes, still open to temptation and failure. The Good News of this is that Jesus Christ is waiting to forgive if we sin (I John 1.9), and to help us make amends if we make a mistake. Christians often have divisions and disunity on some things. This is why there are so many and sundry denominations in the Church of Jesus Christ. Most of these divisions have to do with doctrine, interpretation of the Scriptures, and ideas about theology; we remain united in the fact that…

  • Every person on the face of the Earth has a hunger, a desire, and a need for Jesus Christ…
  • Jesus Christ is God, and the Second Person of the Trinity, and that he is risen and lives today, interceding for those who believe on him.
  • That Jesus Christ was born of the virgin, Mary, lived and walked on Earth for 33-1/2 years, lived a sinless life, and was crucified, rising again on the third day…
  • We view the Bible as God’s Holy, Inspired, Inerrant, written Word, and that everything in the Bible is relevant for today, just as it was when it was written and put together, culminating 1700 years ago.
  • The Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit), the Third Person of the Trinity (see I John 5.7), is active in each and every true Christian and Follower of Jesus Christ. He is God, and that he is here to testify and glorify Jesus Christ, and to teach his followers how to live, guiding them in their daily lives.
  • Jesus Christ is coming again! Though there may be division on how, when, and what way Jesus Second Advent will be, we agree that he will come; that those who are alive at that time and have rejected him will face judgment; that he will reward those who have trusted him as Saviour and LORD; and that he will eternally reign, and that we will reign with him.

Along with this list of beliefs, Christians also want people to look to Jesus Christ first. People – even Christians – are flawed, and open to failure. Temptation abounds, and often Christians do give in, though we know we don’t have to. Because of this, we Christians want people to look to Christ first. We want newcomers to the faith to read the Bible, study, pray, and draw close to Jesus Christ. Yes, there are many people and leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ, who have lived great lives, and are living them now. They should be looked at in the light of Jesus Christ, with Him as the guiding example. As the heading of this point states, Christians are just sinners who have been forgiven (
Romans 3.10. 23). While we do have Heroes, both in the Bible and in real life, again, we believe that they ought to be looked at in the light of Jesus Christ, and always viewed secondly to Jesus Christ.

Not All Christians Fight.
There will undoubtedly be those in the faith who totally disagree with this lesson. This writer knows also that there are people who call themselves “Christian” who act totally opposite. There are Christians that have chosen to sit out this fight for the faith, who have chosen to stay on the sidelines, and remain inactive (see Matthew 22:14). There are some religions that call themselves Christian which are not due to adding to or taking away from Jesus Christ and Who He Is (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Watchtower Society [Jehovah’s Witnesses], Roman Catholicism, the Unity Church, and the Church of Sunhyung Mun just to name a few). Please understand that the differences to the world, and maybe even to you, reader, may be miniscule, but to Bible Believing Christians like this writer who make their stand on Jesus Christ and His written Word, the differences are like the distance between the Grand Canyon in Arizona, the USA. To take away from Jesus Christ is to demean his deity. To add to what Jesus has already set down in the Bible is to take away from his truth, and the fact that he died on Calvary becomes something less-than. The Bible even states that there are many who will come in his name who will work to deceive and take people away from him (see Matthew24:24-26; Matthew 26:32, 41-46). The Lord Jesus also said that if you know the truth, it will set you free (John 8.32, 36), and that those who try to deceive will have their works manifest and easy to see what they are about (see Matthew 7:15-27). Don’t be tricked into believing a counterfeit faith that is really fools gold in comparison to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Conclusion – Won’t You Join Us?
Now that you know why we fight in this world for Jesus Christ, why we love him, and why we want to serve him with every ounce of our beings, why not come and join us? Perhaps you have encountered Christians and want what we have. Perhaps you have ridiculed a Christian time and time and time again, only to see this person, after every instance, love you anyway, and carry on with you with undeniable patience and love. Maybe you have seen the false Christians or are trapped in a religion where there is no hope of heaven, no real peace, and are faced with a list of impossible works to do before you are even considered lucky enough to get into heaven. The good news is that Jesus Christ, right now, waits to have you join him, and join us in spreading the Good News. He waits to forgive, and not to condemn (it is the devil who condemns), to accept you into his kingdom, and to make you a brand-new creature in his eyes. Jesus Christ is extending his hand to you today, to embrace you, to erase (yes, to ERASE) your sins, and to welcome you home. Jesus says in his written word that anyone who comes to him he will in no way cast out, and you can have a Friend, a Companion who will never betray you, never deceive you, never leave you, and never, ever forsake you! Won'’ you accept him today, reader? Until you do, you are the same as a passenger on an airplane that is going down, and you have no parachute. Your sins have placed you on a course that is like a plane on course to crash into a mountain. There are parachutes there, but in order to be saved, you have to strap that `chute on and jump out of the plane! It is the same with Jesus Christ! He offers a way for you to escape wrath, never see the insides of hell or the Lake of Fire, and enter into the most glorious place forever, and spend eternity with Jesus Christ. Won’t you accept him today? He is only a prayer away! Let’s pray…

Prayer – We pray today, Father, to you, in Jesus’ Name, that those who read this lesson will understand why it is that we fight for you; why we take it on one cheek and turn the other; why we walk the way we do in spite of the ridicule; and why we are willing to put our lives on the line for something that seems to illogical. We pray today, LORD, that you will help those who read this lesson to better understand why we do the things we do. We don’t do these things for you simply because we want to go to heaven, or because we fear hell, or because of this or that other reward, but that we do what we do because we love you first, and we love people second. We pray Father that many will come to Salvation through your Son’s Matchless Name through this lesson and the others that have been posted here. Help us, LORD, myself included, to remember to not only speak the Word but also to live the Word! We bless thee and we praise thee today, LORD, and we pray this all in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Verse to Remember
We love him, because he first loved us.

– I John 4:19