Peace and Trouble


by Jason Lovelace

Key Scripture:

John 16-32~33 –
Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, they ye should be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet, I am not alone, because the Father is with me. These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Merry Christmas!! When you think of Christmas and New Years, what do you think about?


How do you feel about the coming holidays and all the preparations, work, and fixings that are required? Do you approach the Christmas Season with thoughts of Joy, dreams of Good Will, and hopes of Peace to all? Do you come into the holiday season with a sense of unhappiness, dread and fear? Studies in the USA have shown that Christmas is the most troubling, depressing and distressing time of the year. These studies showed that the reason for the distress and trouble has to do with the stress and pressure people put themselves under to buy that perfect gift for each and every member on the Christmas gift list. People literally have gone mad looking for and shopping to get gifts for their friends, family, and loved ones. Having a large and friend-and-family-filled Christmas Dinner or Christmas party also adds to the stress levels at this time of the year. Getting the perfect turkey and that too-hard-to-find cake can really take the sanity out of a person, especially as Christmas Day approaches, and no turkey in the freezer. There is also work-related stress at this time of the year, as well, as many employees go to great lengths to impress their employers. The studies that showed this high rise in these all-bad areas showed, too, that suicide rates rise during what Americans call the holiday season (this holiday season starts with Thanksgiving and doesnÕt really end until after New YearÕs Day), and in Winter. When you add in the normal, day-to-day stress and trouble that people normally have during non-holiday seasons, life can be pretty depressing and/or stressful. What is your life like? When you think of Christmas, what do you think about? Do you have peace? Do you have a calm heart, even in the midst of a turbulent, stormy time of life?

Point #1 – EVERYBODY has trouble:

Our Scripture Verse for today speaks clearly to this truth. Jesus Christ is very plain here: everyone will have trouble. Jesus says, ÒIn the world you will have tribulationÉÓ (John 16.33), and he is right. You donÕt have to look very far to see that this world is a truly troublesome place. In the news, we hear much about Iraq and Afghanistan, and how these seem to be the most trouble-filled places. However, if we look at Japan by herself, we can easily see that Japan, too, is a very trouble-filled place. I came to Japan almost ten years ago. Every year, for those nearly-ten years, violent crime among young people has risen. Every year, since I came to Japan, government corruption continues to be a plague in Tokyo. Every year since 1998, more and more families are breaking up, more and more people are killing themselves, and more and more people are giving in to fear about the future. I do not say these things to say that Japan is a bad place. Japan is a wonderful place. But the facts show that Japan – as good a country as she is – is a very, VERY trouble-filled place. This is true for the USA, as well, and for every other country on the face of the earth. Trouble abounds everywhere. Anyplace a person would go trouble for him or her is still going to crop up. People still get sick, people still die, children still get hurt, and old people still have pension problems. Crime will always abound, and criminals will sometimes get away, running with the money theyÕve taken (even if movies show that the bad guys get it in the end). Ladies and gentlemen, this is the world we live in. It is troubling, trouble-filled, and it is only getting worse. Everyone has trouble of some kind or another. ThatÕs the bad news.

Point #2 – Everybody CAN have PeaceÉ but Not Everybody Takes it:

Here is the good news: you can have peace if you want it. Even if everything around you is in terrible, horrible turmoil, you can still have peace. Is your life full of trouble? Do you want peace? Who doesnÕt? Peace – real, true, lasting, unspeakably joyful peace – is waiting for you if you want it. Just recently in the USA, a professional football player was killed by a burglar in his own home. This young man was only 24 years old. He and his wife have a baby girl whoÕs 18 months old. On Thursday, I was reading and I also listened to an interview with this young football playerÕs Dad. People were asking him how he and the family were doing. He replied that God was keeping them. His words were very profound. Here this father had just lost his young, talented, athletic son. He died at a very young age. His death was senseless. Yet, this Dad stood with a look and with words of peace on his face and in his heart. Though he was deeply saddened, deeply hurt, probably devastated by his sonÕs death, this father only spoke words of praise, words of faith in Jesus Christ. I saw another interview on TV concerning a father whoÕd lost his mother and his two daughters. The contrast between the man whoÕd lost his daughters and the man whoÕd lost his son was very different. The father whoÕd lost the daughters and his mother spoke only words of grief, words of hopelessness. His sadness and his hopelessness were terribly grieving. The man, however, whoÕd lost his football-player son, however, had words of hope, words of faith, words of encouragement. Yes, he, too, was sad – terribly sad. But his words, his attitude, his heart had nothing but peace.

Reader, do you understand what I am writing here? This comparison showed the stark difference between a man who had placed his trust in Jesus Christ, and a man whoÕd placed his hope and his trust in nothing. This is the peace that you can have. Jesus said ÒBe of good cheer; I have overcome the world.Ó
(John 16.33) And Jesus says this to us so that we, too, by him, can also overcome the world. Do you have that peace? Do you have Jesus Christ? You can have him today, if you want him! You can have the kind of peace that can help you through lifeÕs hardest storms if you want it!

The reason why many of us have depression, have overbearing stress, and get cranky and upset at Christmas is because many of us have lost sight of what Christmas is all about. We get so wrapped up in doing, going, cooking, shopping, preparing, and hosting that we lose sight of Jesus Christ. The reason why Jesus came is so that people can and will have peace. Suicide rates are so high at Christmas because people have lost the hope that Christmas is all about. People have deep depression at this time of year because we have forgotten the joy of Christmas that only Jesus Christ can bring. People get bent out of shape so much at this great time of year because we have taken Jesus out of the manger and put the almighty yen (or dollar) there. When we put Jesus Christ back as the centre of Christmas, we will have peace – the peace that words cannot expressÉ

Point #3 – ÒJoyful People Make me SICK!Ó

Do you know someone who is so full of joy, so at peace with life, and seems to have everything under control that it makes you angry? Do you know a person who never gets ruffled, no matter the circumstances? My Dad is like this. I have seen and heard people say to my Dad that he makes them angry because he always seems to walk around with a song in his heart and a smile on his face. My brother is the same. When we were both university students, some of the guys we worked with at our part-time jobs would be so upset with my brother because he always whistled while he worked. Do you know someone like this? A better question is, do you want to be a person like that? Ladies and Gentlemen, the best Christmas gift you could ever receive is Jesus Christ. The most wonderful peace and joy can be yours if you know Jesus Christ. If you already have Jesus, but you seem to have lost that peace, remember that Jesus is waiting to give you his peace again! If you donÕt have Jesus, understand that you will never really, truly know what peace is all about. The Bible says in Matthew and Luke that, without Jesus, your life will always be like a sand castle when the storms of life come. Your life will begin to crumble, and eventually will fall, but if you have Jesus, then your life will be like a REAL castle during a military siege: no matter what comes against you, with Jesus, you will have peace, and victory is assured. You can have the peace that Jesus gives, and you can be a joyful person if you choose Jesus Christ today. This can be the best Christmas of your life, if you want it to be. Lets prayÉ



Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for these good people who have come. Help us, Lord, to remember that while we will always have trouble in the world, we can also have peace. Help us to know, Lord Jesus, that you are waiting for each of us to come, and trust in you. Help us, Lord, to know that your peace is the kind of peace that will never fail, and will never die. Help us all to have a great week. Help us all to have a great Christmas! Please bless all who read this, today, Father. We pray this in JesusÕ name, AmenÉ