(News event “Milestones” through 7/2002)


The Pathway of Europe is paved with stones of conquest and unification attempts.  Early on, Imperial Rome expanded and conquered the civilized world.  This European culture has a long history of  colonizing, evangelizing, and imposing its culture on the entire planet.  As a result, Europe's hybrid language -- English, Western culture, and Democracy have become defacto global standards.  The United States, the largest European colony, has greatly assisted in the spread of Western culture and values.


While Rome conquered the world by military might, today, Europe will overtake the world through economic might.  The world economy is about to experience the ultimate, "hostile takeover."  With the introduction of the Euro, the European Union has begun rivaling the United States to become the preeminent world economic force.  The final steps in this takeover bid will be launched by the Prince himself  - - indeed, the final steps on this pathway.


How will we recognize the Prince’s Kingdom?  God’s prophets have shared the following description of this final world government…

·          It is a European empire1

·          It is a "divided kingdom": some parts weak, others strong3

·          Its awesome strength is used to subject the whole earth to its control5

·          It is "different" in nature from all the other kingdoms6

·          Prior to the Prince’s rise to power, there are ten kings (or seats of power)7

·          During the reign of these ten kings, an eleventh king arises, who is "different" from the ten – the Prince'8

·          he eliminates three of the ten kings9

·          he wages war against God's People10

·          he speaks out against God11

·          he has himself deified12

·          he will honor a god of fortifications13

·          he honors those who acknowledge him, and gives them ruling authority14

·          he intends to change times and law15

·          he will be given power for 3 ½  years16

·          he rules with a cabinet of ten men17

·          his 'Cabinet Chief' wields the Prince’s power as his own18

·          his 'Cabinet Chief' institutes an global economic system which controls all buying and selling19

·          It is judged by God and dominion is given to Messiah20


How close are we to this Kingdom?  Let’s see…




The European Pathway can be divided into three major sections: unification, division, and reunification summarized as follows: 



·          In the beginning, “Europe” was a land mass occupied by individual tribes and city-states

·          The City-State of Rome grew to become the Roman empire through military conquest and the spread of the Roman culture throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa- - creating the first unified European government

·          The far reaches of this world empire were centrally controlled by the government in Rome.

·          In addition to local gods, the emperor was also worshipped as a god

·          Judeo-Christianity could not accept emperor worship and was persecuted.

·          The central government lost control due to over-expansion and eventually collapsed



·          Germanic tribes invaded all of Europe and contributed to the fall of the Roman Government

·          Germanic kings began to rule local areas.

·          The geographic influence of local kings grew and the ages of the Absolute Monarchs and Nation-States was born.

·          The Roman Church's political influence grew and was intertwined with that of the European Kings.

·          Judaism and non-Roman Christianity was persecuted for not accepting the preeminence of Roman Church doctrine.

·          A number of failed attempts were made to reunify central European government including: the Holy Roman Empire, the French Empire under Napoleon, the German Empire under the Kaiser (read “Caesar”), and the Third Reich.



·          The final reunification attempt occurred in 1951 with the merging of six nations into the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)

·          During the next half century, functional areas of a centralized European government evolved semi-independently including CSCE, EU, NATO, et al.

·          The European empire is centrally controlled from Brussels, but will eventually be controlled from Jerusalem.

·          The European empire will continue to coalesce, build in power and expand through economic 'conquest'

·          Emperor worship will be re-instituted, resulting in the persecution of Judeo-Christian believers

·          The Prince will struggle to retain global control and bring peace to the Middle East by eliminating Israel

·          The Prince and the armies of the world will fall during the Battle of Armageddon and surrender to the leader of Israel's army,  Messiah Jesus

·          Messiah Jesus will finally be successful in implementing a world government that lasts for a thousand years.




Imperial Rome  (264 B.C  to  4-5 Century A.D.)


It may be difficult for us to imagine how the ‘friendly’ Europe that we know today could evolve into the brutal, global government described by the prophets.  We wonder why the peoples of the planet would willingly submit to this coming oppressive regime.  Perhaps there is a clue to this puzzlement in the nature of Imperial Roman government and religion.


Although it is hard to believe, Imperial Rome was characterized by political and religious tolerance.  It was the usual practice of conquering nations to enslave the local populations and force them to accept their appointed governors and alien religion.  This was not the practice of Rome.


The Romans were a practical people.  Their objective was to collect taxes.  Oppressed people are uncooperative; people do not pay taxes.  Therefore, Rome conquered through cultural assimilation.  The Romans built a vast network of roads throughout their empire.  Although the primary intent was for the movement of troops, in that they speeded communication, they also served as a conduit for Roman civilization.  The Romans taught provincial civil servants and magistrates the Roman method of government, then let them rule their own people.


The Romans themselves imported the "best" features of local cultures and religions and integrated them into the whole of Roman civilization.  "Rome" was therefore the sum of its parts.  Each race and religion was able to find suitable breathing room in this early "Common European House", with the notable exception of the Jews.


So extensive was this "unity in diversity", a concept that we hear so much of in our day, that by the first century A.D., few members of the Roman Senate were of Italian extraction.  Rome was not always viewed as an occupying force as the Romans were often more efficient and benevolent that the local governments that they replaced.  Provincial peoples treasured their Roman citizenship because of the security and legal benefits it bestowed.  We have an example of this in Acts 22 where the apostle Paul struck terror into the hearts of his Roman captors when he informed them of his Roman citizenship.


Roman religion was very eclectic.  It was a massive collection of amorphous beliefs and tribal gods.  There was no defined creed of dogma.  The gods of conquered nations were quickly assimilated into the whole.


The Roman viewed religion much differently than we who live in a society rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition do.  Religion was not thought of in terms of salvation or individual behavior.  Rather, "religion" was the performance of proscribed public rites by the local magistrates.  To the very practical common man, religion meant little more than not working on the holidays.  But as most "practical" men of any era, when they sought the meaning of life, they turned to superstitions and crazes.  During this period there was a great influx of religious ideas and practices from the East.


Amidst this bouillabaisse of beliefs arose an Imperial cult.  In 12 B.C., Augustus Caesar, ruler of Imperial Rome assumed the role of chief priest of the official cult and its title of  This is the same title currently held by the Roman Catholic pope, the Bishop of Rome.  Augustus used the position to revive the old Roman religious ideas.  These included linking respect for patrons, placating and invoking deities and the commemoration of great events and men to divine kingship.  In the provinces he allowed worship of his genius: a divine life-force within him.


Most provincial religions did not find the Imperial cult restrictive.  What's another god among hundreds of others.  The exception to this was the Jew.  Although not happy with their loss of sovereignty, they could reconcile themselves to paying taxes.  What they could not tolerate was the blasphemy of worshiping a Roman Emperor as a god.  This friction continued until open revolt broke out in 66 A.D. which ultimately resulted in the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. 


This destruction was prophesied by Daniel six centuries before Christ as part of his “70 Weeks” prophecy (see Chapter 2 for more detail):

“Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. …”  Daniel 9:26


He not only told us WHEN the Messiah would come and the city and temple would be destroyed(e.g. 483 years after 445 B.C.), he gave us a backwards reference to the lineage of the Prince.  Once Imperial Rome conquered the city and the sanctuary, we then knew that the “the prince who is to come” - - the Antichrist would be European.


We are now seeing Imperial “Europe” employing the same Roman methods of world conquest - cultural assimilation and religious 'tolerance.'  Through worldwide electronic communications, English has become the world's common language, western civilization, western democracy has become the world leading form of government, and "religion" is whatever a man wants it to be. We all are becoming world citizens – European style.



(4-5 Century A.D. to  mid-20th Century)


After seven centuries of unification, European central government fell.  The reasons for the fall of Rome literally fill volumes.  For our discussion it is important to note that the Germanic peoples have played key roles in the division and subsequent reunification of Europe.  The central government of Rome collapsed during invasions and migrations by Germanic tribes.  These tribes established Germanic kingdoms throughout Europe.



AREA                         GERMANIC TRIBES

Britain                         Angles and Saxons

Spain                          Visigoths

Italy                              Ostrogoths and Lombards

Gaul                            Franks, Burgundians and Visigoths

North Africa                Vandals


Today, are not the British referred to by the Germanic tribal name "Anglo-Saxons"?  Have you heard of European “Gothic” architecture, coined to indicate its barbarism?  Are the people from Gaul not now called the "French" from the Germanic tribe of the "Franks"?  Does not Burgundy wine come from that area settled by the Germanic Burgundians in France?  It is also interesting to note that most, if not all of the European monarchies have Germanic roots.


Germanic blood and culture was infused throughout the continent of Europe—bringing a peculiar brand of unity even in division.  Despite this common heritage, Europe has been plagued with tribal warfare.  Perhaps this is what the prophet Daniel is alluding to when he says:

"And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, THEY WILL COMBINE WITH ONE ANOTHER IN THE SEED OF MEN; BUT THEY WILL NOT ADHERE TO ONE ANOTHER, even as iron does not combine with pottery."  Daniel 2:43


But the drive for expansion and pan-European unity and never died.  The lose groupings of Germanic tribes evolved into kingdoms and "feudal" domains throughout Europe.  As the geographic influence of local kings grew, the age of the Absolute Monarchy and the Nation-State was born. 


During this period of the Nation-State, successive attempts were made to centrally govern and reunify Europe.  Since the fall of Imperial Rome, these reunification attempts almost appear as a single, unbroken effort to reestablish a unified Europe. 


The Frankish Kingdom (482-814) 

King Clovis defeated the Roman armies in Gaul -- modern France.  He was king of the Franks, a Germanic warrior tribe.  His successors expanded his kingdom so that it encompassed nearly the whole of Europe.  They "... not only extended Frankish overlordship in the east as far as the middle Danube, but also conquered the Burgundians and drove the Ostrogoths from Provence."21  However, Clovis' heirs were known as "do-nothing" kings.  It was during their reigns that the power of the nobility grew.


A powerful lineage of nobles, the Mayors of the Palace, succeeded to the Frankish throne in 751 with the help of the Pope.  In exchange, King Pepin defeated the Germanic Lombards of Northern


Italy and gave the land to the Pope.  Pepin's son was Charlemagne.  After conquering the Lombards in Italy, the Moslems in Spain, the Slavs in Czechoslovakia and the Saxons in north-west Germany, Charlemagne was rewarded by the Roman Church.  In 800, he was crowned "Emperor of the Romans" by Pope Leo II.  Charlemagne's empire collapse upon his death in 814 and his title was unused until 962.


The Holy Roman Empire (962 - 1806)

The Holy Roman Empire "... was effectively established in 962 when the pope crowned Otto I, king of Germany, emperor at Rome.  At its height in the 10th and 11th centuries, it included all the German lands, Austria, and modern W Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, the Low Countries, E France and N and Central Italy.  The emperor was usually the dominant German sovereign, elected by the princes and until Maximilian I, crowned by the pope.  The empire was originally seen as a universal monarchy, modeled on the Roman Empire, the temporal equivalent and ally of the papacy.  From the 11th to the 13th centuries, however, it clashed continually with the papacy for European supremacy...The empire endured in name until Napoleon, as Emperor of the French ceased to recognize it in 1806; Francis II of Austria then abdicated the imperial title."22


Perhaps this model of a European Head of State being elected by his peers and crowned by the Pope will be the model by which the Prince will ascend to his throne!


The French Empire  (1804 - 1815)

In 1804, Napoleon changed France's government from a republic into an Empire.  He assumed the title of Emperor Napoleon I.  With the exception of Portugal and Britain, Napoleon's Empire dominated the continent of Europe from the Atlantic Ocean to the Russian border.  The rise of Napoleon was the demise of the Holy Roman Empire.


In addition to military conquest, Napoleon engaged in economic warfare as well.  He isolated Britain from continental markets by developing the "Continental System" and sought to overtake her colonial possessions as well.  Initially Russia, who was allied with Napoleon, agreed to boycott English markets.  However, after suffering economically, Russia resumed a trading relationship with Britain.  Napoleon attacked Russia and was forced to retreat.  This began the decline of Napoleon's Empire which ended at Waterloo.  After the fall of Napoleon's empire, rule of Europe by absolute monarchy was restored by the Congress of Vienna.


In that the Prince's primary area of control will be economic, perhaps it will be the fear of exclusion from a neo-Continental System that will cause nations to rush to be inside his “Fortress Europe”.


The German Empire (1789-1945)

The road to national German unity has been a long one.  Prior to the domination of Europe by Napoleon there were over 300 German states.  Through consolidation, Napoleon reduced that number to 100.  The Congress of Vienna, which attempted to patch Europe back together after the Napoleonic disaster, further reduced the number of Germanic states to 38.


Between 1862 and 1971, Prussia, one of the larger Germanic states sought to unify Germans and create a single state.  Otto von Bismark sought to expedite unification by giving the Germans a common foe.  He intentionally provoked the Franco-Prussian War.  This war began a period of hostilities that would eventually precipitate two world wars.  In 1871, his scheming paid off and the German Empire was born.  William I was proclaimed Kaiser (Caesar).  This empire initially stretched through much of north-central Europe and Russia.


The northern Germanic states were predominantly Protestant, while the south was predominantly Catholic.  After the German Empire was created, Bismark began a legislative attack against the Roman Church called Kulturkampf -- "struggle for civilization."  The Roman clergy was placed under state control.  The Church could no longer influence education.  All marriages had to be civil ceremonies.  This renewed the tradition of religious persecution in Europe.


After many years of hatred and military build up, the Franco-Prussian war again erupted as World War I.  Then, on the pretext of defending German ethnic nationals, Germany and its allies conquered much of the continent of Europe during the 1930's.  This was Adolph Hitler's Third Reich and the beginning of World War II.


During this dark period, religious hatred again flared.  The Nazis controlled the Protestant Churches.  Those churchmen who would not cooperate were placed in concentration camps.  The Roman clergy was often framed and incarcerated.  Catholic education was discouraged.  The Nazi regime had a particular hatred for the Jews.  German Jews were deprived of citizenship, their synagogues were burned, their property was confiscated, their means of livelihood was removed, they were transported to concentration camps were they were systematically starved, tortured and murdered.  German domination of Europe, and the carnage of God's people was stopped when Germany was defeated by Russian, British and US forces.


Perhaps the German Empire will be the model for the Prince's religious persecution.  He, too, will take great delight in oppressing the Jews and will declare himself to be god their rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem.  He and his 'cabinet' of ten will also take great delight in burning Vatican City.23


Since the breakup of Rome, there have been continuous efforts to "put it back together again" as the Humpty-Dumpty rhyme goes.  It would appear that God has stayed the hand of the unifiers for two millennia so that He could implement His own plan of grace.  Today, the unifiers are having increasing success.  One Nazi legacy was the seed of the current reunification effort -- the European Coal and Steel Community, but more on that later.  Soon a "Roman" based world government will be in place, with the Prince wearing its crown.  He will have studied his European history well, and learned its lessons of kingship, economic dominion and religious persecution.




(mid-20th Century and Beyond)


The most recent experiment in European reunification is the European Union - - and it appears to be meeting with success at last!   Surprisingly, it has its root in the Third Reich.  The European Union began as ECSC, the European Coal and Steel Community.  While it was founded in 1951, shortly after WWII, it was actually the natural outgrowth of the industrial complex put in place by the Nazis:

" …the Shuman Plan, gave birth to the first of the European Communities, the European Coal and Steel Community, which pooled the iron, steel and coal industries of France, Germany, Italy and the Benelux [Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg] countries (soon to be known as the Six) under the first supra-national body, the High Authority -- forerunner of the European Commission.  The other five nations had the common experience of German occupation and control over their industry.  Since the German industrial complex had been centrally directed to the war effort, there had been considerable co-operation between all six nations, especially in resistance to the demands which were being made on them by Albert Speer, the Nazi industrial supremo.  Grounded in part, therefore, on their recent experience, the coal and steel industries of the continent were a natural first step for formal collaboration.  The founding treaty of this first Community was signed in Paris on 18 April 1951."30


The Member States have in recent years entered into an additional series of treaties expanding powers of the central EU government.

 “The Treaty on European Union, which entered into force on 1 November 1993, sets the Member States an ambitious programme: monetary union by 1999, new common policies, European citizenship, a common foreign and security policy and internal security. Applying the review clause in the Maastricht Treaty, the Member States negotiated a further treaty, signed in Amsterdam on 2 October 1997, which adapted and strengthened the Union's policies and powers, particularly in judicial cooperation, the free movement of persons, foreign policy and public health. The European Parliament, the Union's immediate democratic voice, was granted new powers, confirming its role as joint legislator.” 75


The European Union: Unity in Diversity

Membership has been continually growing, from the original six ECSC members to a number that may soon exceed twenty-five.  This growth is both a blessing and a curse…while it expands the size and power of the marketplace, it also presents many challenges.


It is extremely difficult to achieve unity amid such great diversity.  Ever expanding membership means ever expanding variability and a decreased probability of speaking with “one voice”.  What interests divide the member states?  Well, nearly everything…

State size:




Level of Wealth:




Level of Need:




Government View:












European Vision:



International Association


The early treaties required a unanimous vote of all member states to take decisions.  The competing interests of the weak and the strong members frequently make consensus unattainable on all but the most simple issues.  A way must be found, and will be found, for Europe to speak with a single voice:

“Henceforth, the Union has no choice but to progress still further along the road towards an organisation which is both efficient and democratic, capable of making decisions and taking action while preserving the identity of its constituent States. Unless it can strengthen its structures and rationalise decision-making the Union will be faced with the prospect of dilution or paralysis. A "Greater Europe" in gestation will only develop into an organised power if it is built in such a way as to be capable of speaking and acting as one.” 76  


Could this unusual union of unequal EU member states be what Daniel saw in his visions?  It is certainly a divided kingdom in search of a single voice.  Are France, Germany, and Britain the “iron” or the “strong” that Daniel refers to while Luxemborg, Portugal and other weaker nations are the weak, brittle “clay”?

 “…it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have in it the toughness of iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with common clay.  And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle.” Daniel 2:41-42



The European Union: A Unique Form of Government

The European Union has evolved a complex organization structure to represent the interests and needs of people and governments at many levels.  As national governments have ceded portions of their sovereignty to the EU, the responsibilities and powers of these institutions have increased accordingly.






The European Parliament…

…is directly elected, so it represents and coordinates the varied interests of the people of Europe

The Council of the Union…

…is composed of the heads of state from the Member States and therefore represents and coordinates the varied interests of the member state governments

The European Commission…

… is appointed by the European Parliament, so it represents the interests of all Europe.  It is the driving force and executive body of the European Union.

The Court of Justice…

…is appointed by common accord of the Member State governments, and is charged with ensuring compliance with EU law

The Court of Auditors…

…is appointed by Member State governments, and is charged with ensuring the sound and lawful management of the EU budget



European Economic and Social Committee

Expresses the opinions of organised civil society on economic and social issues

Committee of the Regions

Expresses the opinions of regional and local authorities on regional policy, environment, and education

European Ombudsman

Deals with complaints from citizens concerning mal-administration by an EU institution or body

European Investment Bank

Contributes to EU objectives by financing public and private long-term investments

European Central Bank

Responsible for monetary policy and foreign exchange operations


The EU is an ongoing experiment in human government.  It is a form of government unlike any other that has ever existed.  It is layered and each layer plays by different rules.  The layer closest to the people, including the European Parliament, is most likely to exhibit democratic methods.  The layer closest to power, the European Commission, is most likely to exhibit autocratic methods.  Also, it is neither a state government nor an international organization. Unlike a state that typically represents one ethnic group, the European Union stretches across the continent of Europe, encompassing all of its tribes and peoples.  And unlike an international organization, it increasingly wealds the full power and sovereignty of a state. 

“The European Union is based on the rule of law and democracy. It is neither a new State replacing existing ones nor is it comparable to other international organisations. Its Member States delegate sovereignty to common institutions representing the interests of the Union as a whole on questions of joint interest. All decisions and procedures are derived from the basic treaties ratified by the Member States.” 78


When the prophet Daniel saw his visions of the four successive forms of world governments, he referred to them as ‘beasts’.  He described the characteristics of the final world government, the “fourth beast”, and one of those characteristics was its uniqueness.  Could the European Union, this experiment in world government, which is neither state nor international organization, neither democracy nor autocracy be the unique ‘beast’ described by Daniel?

 “…a fourth beast…was different from all the beasts [kingdoms] that were before it...” Daniel 7:7

 “…The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms...” Daniel 7:23


The European Union: Ambitions of World Power

The European Union would like to become the predominant global super-power. They have conquered their historical obstacles of tribal warfare, cultural difference and multi-lingualism.  The obstacles that it now faces in achieving its goal are all internal.  As soon as the institutions can be restructured to accommodate the growing size and diversity of the Union, nothing will be

The EU’s limitations are all self-imposed, but not for long…

“The Union has already established itself as an economic, trading and monetary power. It now has the potential to become a political power too, if it is prepared to exploit all the opportunities created by the Maastricht Treaty. By now there is little distinction in practice between the Union’s economic and diplomatic activities on the world stage.” 79  


What was true when God spoke of the people of Babel, is true today:

“Behold they are one people, and they all have the same language.  And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.”  Genesis 11:6


The EU wants to attain economic and super-power parity with the US and eventually surpass it.

Mr Prodi said the EU must acquire a diplomatic and economic machinery enabling it to compete on an equal footing with the United States. "It is time for the Union to shoulder its responsibilities as a world power," he said in the Commission proposal.."” 80


From all indications, the EU’s wielding of global power will not be benign, rather it will be confrontational and interventionist.  One area where the EU has begun challenging the U.S. is on the world currency market.  Already the European Monetary Unit (EMU), launched in January 1999 has achieved parity with the U.S. dollar and is seeking to unseat it as the most accepted world currency. 


The EU has also sought opportunities to restrict, control and punish U.S. businesses.  For example, in 2001, the EU denied approval of the merger of General Electric with Honeywell, thereby preventing the largest merger of two U.S. businesses and damaging both companies. 


In even more threatening moves, the EU is using the World Trade Organization to usurp the ability of other nations to control and provide their own governmental services.  For example, it was reported in April of 2002:

“The European Union is demanding that foreign companies be allowed to compete with the U.S. Postal Service as part of World Trade Organization talks that began last year. According to a draft copy of its demands obtained by The Washington Times, Europe also wants access to American markets for municipal water and waste services. It also will call for foreign companies to be given access to Small Business Administration loans. …The European demands, which will be formally presented to the U.S. government by the end of June, mark the opening salvo in WTO negotiations on trade in services, an area that includes industries from finance to telecommunications to energy. …Many of the groups, especially in the United States, say new negotiations will force cities to sell municipal utilities such as water and electricity and could put them in the hands of far-off corporations.  "Now the cat is out of the bag," said Ruth Caplan, who handles trade issues for the Alliance for Democracy, a group critical of the WTO. "From the mail we receive to the water we drink, the European requests show that our basic public services are under threat." 81


The federalists in Europe have been pushing the EU to evolve from a mutual cooperation union into a sovereign super-state.  Globalists have similar dreams for a world government.  Others fear the merging of those two visions.

"Today's proposals contain all the fundamental attributes of a foreign state," he said. "This is the Europe we have feared. This is the Europe we will fight to prevent."” 82


One of the other characteristics of the Daniel’s “fourth beast” was comprehensive and oppressive world domination.  The prophet John, foresaw its Leader being given global ruling authority.  Could these be then next steps on the European Pathway?

“…The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, …and it will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it.” Daniel 7:23

“…and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him [The Prince of Europe].” Revelation 13:7


The European Commission:  THE SEAT OF EUROPEAN POWER

At the pinnacle of European Union power is the European Commission.  The Commission has four main roles83:

·        to propose legislation to European Parliament and the Council;

·        to administer and implement EU policies;

·        to enforce EU law (jointly with the Court of Justice);

·        to act as a mouthpiece for the EU and negotiate international agreements, mainly those relating to trade and cooperation.


It is the sole body within the EU that can propose or modify legislation and therefore, controls the European agenda.  It is also the institution charged with representing the interests of Europe as a whole.


The European Commission is composed of commissioners – one from each a member state, and the President of the Commission.  These positions are appointed by the members and then approved by the European Parliament to serve a five year term.  Each commissioner has a portfolio of EU functionality for which he is responsible and is a voting member on Commission decisions.


The European Commission President:  FURTHER VISIONS OF WORLD POWER

It is the Commission and its President (currently, Romano Prodi) who are actively driving the EU to assume its position as a world power… of course, with themselves as its head:

 “"It is time for the Union to shoulder its responsibilities as a world power," he [Mr. Prodi] said in the Commission proposal.  The job of EU foreign policy chief, now held by Javier Solana and answerable solely to the 15 national capitals, would be brought under the control of the Commission as part of a broad move to unify all key functions.  "If Europe is to increase its influence on the world scene and be a credible partner for the United States, it must speak with a single voice on all aspects of external relations," Mr Prodi said.  Under the plans, the Commission would have greater powers to set tax and budgetary policies for the members of the euro zone, though outsiders like Britain would retain some leeway to run their own economies.  … Michael Ancram, Conservative foreign affairs spokesman, said Mr Prodi and the Commission had " blown the cover" on Mr Blair's carefully orchestrated attempt to suggest that the European Project would not lead to a European superstate.  "Today's proposals contain all the fundamental attributes of a foreign state," he said. "This is the Europe we have feared. This is the Europe we will fight to prevent."” 84


While the Commission already is arguably the most powerful institution in the EU, European business Leaders would like to see the role of the Commission and the Commission President further strengthened:

 “Leading European industrialists on Tuesday added their influential voice to the growing battle over who should run the European Union by calling for a reinforcement of the powers of the Commission.The European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) told members of the convention on the future of Europe, including its head, former French president Valery Giscard d'Estaing, that a stronger Commission was "vital" if Europe was to be more competitive.  Grouping the heads of 44 of Europe's largest industrial groups and multinationals, the ERT told the convention that the Commission was "the genuinely Europe-focused institution and the one most capable of articulating the common European interest above national and regional interests".  …Business leaders also want the powers of the Commission president reinforced to give him greater influence in selecting commissioners and managing the college of commissioners. To enhance his authority, the president would have to be nominated by a more direct and democratic system.” 85


As the Commission amasses and consolidates its power, it is becoming clear that this ‘unique’ beast is quickly evolving into “an economic government” that ultimately could subdue the world:

“ROMANO PRODI, the president of the European Commission, wants Brussels to take far-reaching new powers over government spending, foreign policy, defence and police to try to transform the European Union into a global superpower.  In a speech in Bruges yesterday, Mr Prodi said the commission was planning to tighten its grip over the tax and spending policy of Britain and other member states. Controls imposed by the union's growth and stability pact did not go far enough to safeguard the euro for the long term, he said.  Mr Prodi proposed "a model budget policy" as the next stage towards economic union. He did not give details, but said the policy would be backed by a binding code of conduct to ensure each country stuck to budget rules "fully consistent with the economic policy of the euro area".  Mr Prodi described the new instrument as a "mechanism for managing the economy", a clear indication that the plans go far beyond anything existing in union law.   He said it would serve as fiscal a counterpart to the European Central Bank, which has sole control over monetary policy in the euro zone. Commission officials said yesterday the mechanism would apply to all union states, whether or not they were members of the euro.  Critics said the proposal was an attempt to strip governments of control over their budgets. Theresa Villiers, MEP, the Conservative economics spokesman, said: "This is the next step towards the creation of an economic government. As we always suspected, it shows that the euro is just a stepping stone towards a harmonised tax and spending policy."  Mr Prodi called for sweeping changes in defence and internal security, saying the terrorist attacks on September 11 had changed the political landscape and made it imperative to accelerate the pace of European integration.In a move certain to meet stiff resistance from London and Paris, he called for "the entire foreign and security policy of the union" to be brought under EU control, saying that "piecemeal" diplomacy was preventing the union from playing its full role in the world.  He called for enhanced powers for Europol and for "the creation of an integrated European police force to combat terrorism and organised crime".  The details were sketchy, but Mr Prodi's spokesman acknowledged yesterday for the first time that Europol might start to acquire an "FBI structure". Until now, the commission has denied that the union was developing a federal police apparatus.” 86


The Prophet John saw this coming “economic government” - - a government that controlled the world through its economic power and methods.  He observed that the Prince of that government would use his 'Cabinet Chief' to institute an global economic system which controls all buying and selling and therefore controls the entire world. 

“…and he provides that non one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mar, either the name of the beast or the number of his name…” Revelation 13:17


How soon will it be before security concerns (e.g. credit card theft, identity theft, movement of terrorist funds, speeded airport entry, etc.) persuade us to have personal identification and credit card information bio-implanted?  The technology is here already, it’s called VeriChip.


How long will it take this system to achieve critical mass in the population such that we reach a point where you won’t be able to buy or sell without that “secure ID”?  ”Sorry, sir, I know you are hungry, but what can I do?  You are not in our store’s check out system…”   Who will be able to stand against such a system, and retain his life …and his soul?

"And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; and they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name"  Revelation 14:11


Some will reject the mark and choose God and eternal life over daily bread.  The price will be persecution and often martyrdom… but the time will be brief and enduring faith will be rewarded by God.

"And you will be hated by all on account of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.  But whenever they persecute you in this city, flee to the next: for truly I say to you, you shall not finish going through the cities of Israel, until the Son of Man comes"  Matthew 10:22-23



As a direct result of expanding EU membership, the Commission has become dysfunctional.  Optimal size for an effective committee is 12-15.  It is nearly impossible to get a committee of 20 or more members to make good, timely decisions.  The criteria for membership and operations of the Commission must change.  One of the extremely interesting proposals put on the table has been the appointment of a limited number of commissioners to an “inner cabinet of super-commissioners”:

“Romano Prodi, the European Commission's president, unveiled plans yesterday for an inner cabinet of powerful super-commissioners with control over the commanding heights of the Brussels system.  A handful of commissioners will run key areas such as foreign policy, economic management, employment and social affairs, giving strategic direction to a second tier of junior commissioners in charge of each sector. …The structure is designed to stop the total breakdown of decision-making in Brussels once 10 new states join the European Union in 2004, each demanding at least one commissioner and a place at the top table.  Mr Prodi said that unless the system was radically reformed, there would soon be 30 or 35 commissioners plus their support staff sitting round a single table, turning the commission's elite "college" into an unworkable talking shop like the old Soviet praesidium.  "Maintaining the status quo is not an option - it would simply lead to paralysis," he said.  The plans are aimed at restoring the tattered credibility of the institution after a series of humiliating setbacks and complaints about a tendency to advance policies that pull in opposite directions.” 87


Other reports have indicated that the Commission President would like to appoint TEN vice-presidents to his inner cabinet:

 “ROMANO PRODI – president of the European Commission wants to prove an enlarged Commission of 25 or 30 commissioners will be able to operate. …According to Mr. Prodi’s plan, he would name about ten people of his team to be vice-presidents who would meet as often as once a week and prepare the ground for the whole college of commissioners. …Mr. Prodi is planning the reforms without changing the EU treaties. “88


In the book of Revelation, we are told a “mystery”, and its explanation which may refer to this inner cabinet of the European Commission: 

“…I shall tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns.  …And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour.  These have one purpose and they give their power and authority to the beast.”  Revelation 17: 7,12-13


Perhaps the prophet Daniel is also describing the Prince’s appointment of his most trusted Commissioners to this inner cabinet:

 “…he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him, and he will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.”  Daniel 11:39


What can we glean from these verses?  In addition to the final world government being lead by the “beast”- - the “prince who is to come”, there will also be a high powered cabinet of “kings” with whom he governs.  As time has passed, the European Commission of the present and near term future have become more and more aligned with these prophetic details.





…will consist of ten men

Prodi proposal on an “inner cabinet” of 10

…members are appointed (e.g. authority is given to them)

… European Commissioners are appointed by both the European Parliament and will be appointed to the inner cabinet by the Commission President

… members are not kings in the sense that they have kingdoms, but rather act as kings, meaning that they have authority over their areas of assigned responsibility

…European Commissioners who are assigned a portfolio over which they have authority and act on behalf of the EU (e.g. Internal Market, Taxation and Customs Union; External Relations; Trade, Enlargement; etc.)

… will be given authority at the same time that authority is given to the Prince

… European Commission and President whose appointments are approved at the same time by the European Parliament

… is given authority for a specific limited term of office (e.g. ‘one hour’)

… European Commission that is appointed for a 5 year term

members rule collectively with one purpose

… European Commission takes decisions collectively with each commissioner acting as a voting member

… uses their power and area of responsibility to execute the will of the Prince

… Commissioners who will soon have to be loyal followers of the President in order to secure his appointment to become a super-commissioner and execute his agenda

… members are elevated to places of honor by the Prince

elevation to the proposed inner cabinet of super- commissioners will be at the discretion of the Commission President

… will rule over people and distribute land

… the proposed inner cabinet super-commissioners may be given regions to administrate - - well have to wait and see.



As the power of the European Commission has expanded, the Commission President has had to increasingly rely on his Cabinet Chief to assist him with operations.  The following is a description of the working relationship of a previous President, Jacque Delors, with his Cabinet Chief, Pascal Lamy: 

" Many commission officials reckon that Mr Delors's  "chef de cabinet", Mr. Pascal Lamy is a Bocuse among "chefs", exercising more power than any of the other 16 commissioners.  He controls access to the President; Mr. Delors often uses him as a proxy in dealings with fellow-commissioners.  Mr. Lamy also dominates the Monday morning meeting of "chefs de cabinet", which sets the agenda for the Wednesday meeting of the commissioners and tries to take as many routine decisions as possible.  Mr. Lamy often gets his way, and not just because he speaks for the president.  He has a piercing mind and a forceful, occasionally explosive, style.  One former commissioner, Mr. Peter Sutherland, called him "Delors's Exocet".    As president, Mr. Delors must be seen to be impartial, so he uses Mr. Lamy to promote his own interests -- which include assuring the French government that he has not forgotten Colbert."66


(Note: Pascal Lamy is still a Commissioner, now with authority over the European Union’s External Trade portfolio.)


We can see from this report, that a Cabinet Chief can…

…have more power than other commissioners

…have and control access to the President

…exercise the authority of the President, that is “speak for the President”, when dealing with Commissioners

…can dominate peers, meetings and control the agenda

…have a style that is disarming

…be used by the President to manipulate other.


The prophet John describes the Prince’s Cabinet Chief in Revelation 13:11-18 in somewhat similar terms.  He provides us with great detail about this man, including the facts that he….

·          speaks like a dragon -- or perhaps in today’s parlance, an 'exocet'

·          has been delegated the Prince's authority and acts in his stead

·          makes everyone worship the Prince

·          performs signs and wonders in order to deceive

·          can cause fire to come down from the sky on command (satellite based laser?)

·          calls on the world to make an image of the Prince for worship

·          causes the image to speak

·          enables the image to kill non-worshipers

·          implements the Prince’s economic system

·          causes everyone to receive the "mark of the beast" either on their right hand or forehead– (bio-implanted ID/ credit card?)

·          controls all buying and selling via the mark (global point of sale system using bio-implants for currency transactions?)


The similarities between the European Union and the prophesied kingdom of the “prince who is to come” are not accidental.  European integration is going to proceed according to God's timetable - - and that will be at increasing speed.

"Caught off guard successively by the collapse of Communism, the unification of Germany and the Persian Gulf crisis, the [EU] is now using all three surprises to give new momentum to its search for greater economic and political unity...Yet events of recent months appear to have convinced most community governments that they must accelerate their step-by-step approach to integration if the region is to emerge as a major economic bloc that can play a major political role in the world..."What at one point looked like threats to the community have now turned into opportunities," one French government official said."69


Those who follow the unfolding of history in the light of the prophetic word recognize that the Kingdom of God is at hand.  We are also told in Matthew 24, that events in these last days will accelerate, using the simile of birth pangs that accelerate and intensify signaling an impending arrival. 


There is no way that momentum toward a European-centered world government will be stopped or even slowed.  We are living in momentous days.  We are witnessing God's intervention in world events.  He is personally executing His plans and bringing about the reign of His Messiah, Jesus.  As the world around us seems to be headed down the slippery slope of terror, lawlessness, war, privation, plague, famine and even global dictatorship that will attend man's final attempt at global management, it is good to know that the God of Israel, the Lord of Hosts, reigns. 





The bonds between the European Union and Israel are tight - - more like a noose than a friendship.  The EU is Israel's largest trading partner and a major creditor.  The Europeans have frequently used this trading relationship to pressure and manipulate Israel.  The European Parliament has levied sanctions against Israel57 for its treatment of its Palestinian population and tried to force them to comply with the EU’s  visions for Middle East peace. 


European sympathies have always been with the Arabs.  Their Arabist history and anti-Semitism have prevented them from dealing equitably with Israel.  These Arabist sympathies date back to the end of World War I, when the Europeans became custodians of Arab lands formerly held by the Turkish Ottoman Empire.  Since that time, Europe has been fascinated with the 'Bedouin mystique'.  This romance has impeached their judgement in the area of Arab-Israeli affairs, as evidenced by their previous betrayals of Israel.

"Western Europe now wants to play the role of mediator, "as important as that of the U.S.," in the Middle East.  But its policies over the past decades hardly provide the credentials of an honest broker.  During the war of 1973, when it was clear that the Egyptian-Syrian assault placed Israel's very existence in jeopardy, West European countries, FORMALLY COMMITTED TO ISRAEL'S SECURITY, refused not only to aid this country but even to grant landing rights to the American airlift."58


As we discussed in Chapter 2, one of the major prophetic Signposts is the Middle East Peace Covenant.  This will be a covenant drafted by the Prince, entered into by 'many' nations, and will address Israel's security.


The Europeans are anxious to have an expanded role in the Middle East.  However, Israel is nervous about European participation in the "peace process" as well they might be.  Israel is a key portion of Europe's Mediterranean ambitions.  Following in the footsteps of Imperial Rome, the influence of the new Europe is expanding to the south, across the Mediterranean - - Africa's Maghreb region -- Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia.  The next step along this pathway is an International Conference on the Middle East.


The Seville European Council, 21-22 June 2002, issued the “Declaration of the European Union on the Middle East” which states the following:

“The crisis in the Middle East has reached a dramatic turning point. Further escalation will render the situation uncontrollable. The parties on their own cannot find a solution. There is an urgent need for political action by the whole international community. The Quartet has a key role to play in starting a peace process.  The European Council supports the early convening of an international conference. That conference should address political and economic aspects as well as matters relating to security. It should confirm the parameters of the political solution and establish a realistic and well-defined time scale. … The European Union stands ready to contribute fully to peace-building, as well as to the reconstruction of the Palestinian economy as an integral part of regional development.  The European Union will work with the parties and with its partners in the international community, especially with the United States in the framework of the Quartet, to pursue every opportunity for peace and for a decent future for all the people of the region.”


Perhaps we will soon see the Signpost of the Middle East Peace Covenant.  


We have previously discussed how the European Commission and its President may soon fill the prophetic roles of the “prince who is to come” and his inner cabinet of 10 kings.  We also know that the Prince will be the author of this prophesied Middle East Peace Covenant.  Based on the following definition of Commission responsibilities, it would make perfect sense for the Commission President to be that self same princely author:

The European Commission is an important mouthpiece for the European Union on the international stage, in particular when it comes to negotiating international agreements on the external aspect of EU policies.” 89 


Actually, this is an extremely interesting selection of words.  For in Revelation 13:5, we are told that the Prince acts as the 'mouth' for the beastly government of John's vision!


As we discussed in Chapter 2, the Prince will only observe the terms of the Covenant for three and a half years -- then Israel will be oppressed.  Given their ongoing heavy handed dealings with Israel and their track record of questionable reliability, it is not hard to imagine a European betrayal of Israel in the middle of the Covenant's term.  Even knowing this, Israel's dependence upon EU trade and the force of international public opinion, will compel them to dance to the devil's tune.





The Pathway of Europe began in the days of Imperial Rome.  Since the Germanic tribes precipitated the fall of Rome, there has been a near continuous effort to reinstate central European government.  In the last half century, reunification efforts have been proving successful.  The European Union has once again brought together the nations who were formerly ‘Rome’ and has become a growing economic and political world power.  The structure of the European Union cannot stand, and proposals for its reorganization only increase the ‘goodness of fit’ of this organization to the prophesied kingdom of the “prince who is to come.”


We can see the Signpost of the Middle East Peace Covenant on the horizon.  Just prior to that, the identity of Prince will be revealed.  He and his inner cabinet will install global systems that will have this planet’s economy humming like a fine Swiss clock.  In an act of self-gratitude, he will have himself deified.  Anyone who does not participate in his worship and global management systems will be committing capital crimes.  Just as in Imperial Rome, Judeo-Christians will be the only group who have problems with emperor worship and will face persecution and death.  He will move European headquarters from Brussels to the "internationalized" city of Jerusalem, befitting his elevation to a new divine global role.  Instead of arriving at the anticipated Signpost of the Messianic Kingdom, the world will sadly find itself at the Signpost of the Prince and His Kingdom.


From there, the Pathway of Europe will lead on, three and a half years later to the Signpost of Armageddon.  Here the usurper Prince will do battle with the true King of Jerusalem -- Messiah Jesus.  It is in this final battle for world dominion that the Prince will fall, and the Pathway of Europe will abruptly end.  All travellers who meet the Messiah's "visa requirements" will then proceed on the Pathway of Israel – at the Signpost of the Messianic Kingdom.


We will all soon be travelling -- either in the Rapture to meet our Lord or into the territory of this evil Prince.  Both roads converge at the Messianic Kingdom, but one is a high road and one is a low road.  Taking the detour at the Signpost of the Rapture will lead us immediately into our Lord's presence in the New Jerusalem.  The pathway through the Prince’s Europe will lead through great trials, peril and death.


Beloved in Jesus, remember that you are in the priesthood of the Most High God, the God of Israel.  Use your office wisely and efficiently!  Your "transfer" is being processed and time is short!

·          Pray that the Holy Spirit will purify and prepare your heart for these final days before the Lord takes us Home.

·          Pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts of your loved ones to hear the message that God seeks to make peace with men, and has provided a Messiah.

·          Reconcile your differences with all men, and be obedient to God's leading.

·          Pray that the words that you share may take root that very day.  If they do not, pray that the Lord would give your loved one perfect recall, so that they might remember your words when their heart is ready.

·          Pray that they might be protected from the spiritual deception that will come upon the world after the Rapture.

·          Pray that if you have missed the Rapture that God will grant you the grace to live and if necessary, die for Him faithfully.


I believe, along with many others, that the Rapture will occur before the Middle East Peace Covenant is signed. Therefore, if the Prince’s Kingdom is emerging before our eyes, and an imposed Middle East Peace Covenant is a heartbeat away, then is not our Lord almost at the door?  Truly, truly, our Bridegroom comes!




1 Daniel 9:26

3 Daniel 2:41-42

5 Daniel 7:7,23, Revelation 13:7

6 Daniel 7:7,23, Revelation 13:7

7 Daniel 7:24

8 Daniel 7:24

9 Daniel 7:24

10 Daniel 7:25, 11:44-45; Revelation 13:7

11 Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:7

12 Daniel 11:36, II Thessalonians 2:4, Revelation 13:8,12,15

13 Daniel 11:38

14 Daniel 11:39

15 Daniel 7:25

16 Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:5

17 Revelation 17:12

18 Reevelation 13:12

19 Revelation 13:16-17

20 Daniel 7:11-14,26-27

21 The Times Atlas of World History Third Edition, Hammond, Inc. Maplewood, NJ, 1989 p 106

22 The New American Desk Encyclopedia, Concord Reference Books, 1982

23 Revelation 17:12-18

30 Heseltine, Michael, The Challenge of Europe, Can Britain Win?, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989  p.9

57 The Jewish Press, 9/28/90

58 The Jerusalem Post International Edition, 8/4/90

66 The Economist, 3/3/90

68 Ibid

75 “Europe in ten points”, Pascal Fontaine

76 Ibid

77 “The European Union at a Glance”,

78 Ibid

79 Op Cit, Fontaine

80 Prodi calls for 'a giant step' in EU integration”, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels and George Jones, (Filed: 23/05/2002)

81 “EU wants to bid on U.S. mail”, The Washington Times, April 26, 2002

82 Op Cit, Evans-Pritchard & Jones

83 “Institutions of the European Union”,

84 Op Cit, Evans-Pritchard & Jones

85Business chiefs seek stronger EU executive “, Paul Betts, June 25 2002,

86 “New laws will turn EU into a superpower, says Prodi”, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 13/11/2001

87Prodi plans EC inner cabinet”, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels, 19/06/2002,

88Prodi’s shake up plan faces opposition”, 19.06.2002,

89 “Institutions of the European Union”,